Tips For Oriental Rug Cleaning

A properly cleaned oriental rug preserves the beauty of the design and protects the material. Although some oriental rugs are handwoven, others are made from more delicate materials. These types of rugs should be cleaned regularly and professionally to prevent stains. Here are some tips for cleaning your oriental rugs:

To prevent excessive wear and tear, move the rug to an area where foot traffic is low. Then, vacuum it to remove loose dirt. This will help it stay clean and looking like new. You can also spot clean stains to keep it looking new for longer. To clean oriental rugs, you don’t need to scrub them too much. Regular vacuuming will keep dust, dirt, and allergens out of them. Vacuuming them every two weeks is ideal. oriental rug cleaning near me

To avoid damaging the fabric, use a mild cleaner without alkaline ingredients. This type of cleaner contains enzymes that break down organic residue and urine salts. These products will not remove pet odors. This is because urine crystals are embedded deep in the fibers of an Oriental rug. In order to completely remove pet odors, you need to clean through the fibers. This is an especially important step for handmade rugs.

Vacuuming your rugs regularly can save you money in the long run. Regular cleaning will not only prevent stains from setting in, but also help your rugs last longer. A professional will be able to provide you with the right cleaning solutions for your rugs. These companies use advanced cleaning solutions and techniques to keep your rugs in tip-top shape. A professional rug cleaner will carefully examine the front and back surface of your rugs and let you know what kind of cleaning is needed to maintain its integrity.

Vacuuming is a great way to remove surface dirt but won’t get to deep-seated dirt. Even though you vacuum frequently, the dirt is still at the fibers of your rug. Besides airborne dust, dirt tracked in on shoes and paws can also eat away at the fibers. Therefore, it’s essential to clean your rugs professionally to preserve the beauty and life of your rugs. You can also sprinkle talcum powder on them to eliminate odors.

The next step in Oriental rug cleaning is drying. Leaving your rugs in damp areas or the basement can result in damage to the rug. If you do spill water on your rug, remove it immediately and leave it out to dry. Then, use an extractor to extract water from the rug. This will help speed up the drying process and restore its pile. A good drying process will prevent the emergence of mold. This step will help you keep your rugs looking their best.