The Importance of Air Duct Cleaning

Professional air duct cleaning companies use special equipment to thoroughly clean your home’s ducts. This equipment includes brushes, fans, and vacuums. The equipment complies with NADCA recommendations and guidelines for different tasks. When selecting an air duct cleaning company, make sure that the technicians are certified in the field. You should also ask about their training and experience. Some companies even offer free consultations. Air duct cleaning is a necessary part of a healthy home. Carpet Cleaning company

In addition to cleaning the ducts, air duct cleaners should also remove contaminants that are present inside the HVAC system. Although a small amount of household dust is harmless, the presence of air duct contamination can have a detrimental impact on the health of a family. It is therefore vital to hire professionals who have the tools and knowledge to ensure that your air ducts are clean and healthy. The wrong tools and techniques could actually cause more harm than good.

While there are several types of chemicals and filtration systems, only a few products are registered by the EPA to be used inside bare sheet metal air ducts. This means that many of them are only good for hard surfaces and may not be effective in duct cleaning. However, you can still use many products in unlined ducts as long as you follow the directions carefully. However, it is crucial to note that some labels do not contain instructions for duct cleaning, so you need to be very careful before purchasing any product that says “Rinse with water.”

When choosing an air duct cleaning company, make sure to discuss the costs with your provider first. Keep in mind that air duct cleaning companies can charge you extra if they perform unexpected or minor tasks. Whether you choose to hire a company or do it yourself, air duct cleaning is a good investment. If you have a fuel-burning appliance in your home, be sure to have it serviced before each heating season. Otherwise, you might end up with a situation where you or your family is exposed to harmful carbon monoxide.

The condition of your ducts can also affect your health. Excessive dust, debris, and mold can clog the air ducts and supply registers. Mold and mildew can grow on these surfaces if you don’t address the causes. In addition to the cleaning process, you should ask your HVAC service provider to perform a microbiology test. These tests can cost you $50. If the ducts are insulated, you won’t be able to clean them thoroughly. If they are insulated, they should be replaced.

Rodents can live in the air ducts of your HVAC system and carry dangerous diseases like hantavirus. This virus is transmitted through dust that contains rodent droppings and urine. Cotton rats, deer mice, and white-footed mice are known carriers of hantavirus. If you have a rodent infestation, you should call an exterminator for proper extermination. In some cases, rodent infestations can take longer to solve than duct cleaning alone.